What is dandruff?

Dandruff is a symptom of a local inflammatory reaction within the scalp. The negative effects of dandruff are (except for the aesthetic): general hair weakning, hair follicle reduction, and consequently even increased hair loss. Its cause is excessive colonization of the skin by Malassezia yeasts. They are part of normal scalp microflora, but their uncontrolled development causes excessive decomposition of lipids secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Yeasts produce specific enzymes (lipases) capable of decomposing triglyceride molecules from the sebum that surrounds the hair bulbs, thus allowing them to acquire the saturated fatty acids necessary for their development. There would be no harm in such reactions, except that unsaturated fatty acids (eg, arachidonic acid and oleic acid) are produced as unwanted by-products. By penetrating into the epidermis, they contribute to the formation of these inflammatory conditions and premature peeling of the keratinocytes - manifested by the characteristic flaking of fine skin flakes.

In the fight against dandruff, efforts must be undertaken in parallel to reduce the development of Malassezia yeast (antifungal), which helps to exfoliate and heal the hair follicles (keratolytic effect) and slows down the renewal processes of the epidermis. It is also important to eliminate the factors that favor the development of dandruff, both external (unsufficient skin care, excessive hair drying, UV) as well as internal (zinc and selenium deficiency, hormonal disorders).

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